これからJacob's International Music Schoolの主催エベントをたくさんやって行きたいと思います。JIMSの一番優先事項は質の高いレッスンなのですが、ジャズやピアノの音楽を生で聴く機会が少ない子供たちに体験させて行きたいです。近い将来に色んなエベントをしようと思っているので、お楽しみにしてください。
Saturday night was the grand opening concert for my new school in Tokyo. Although the place wasn't packed full with bodies the energy from the people that came made it feel packed. It is a lot of fun for me to play shows with a wide mix of ages. I think when little children are exposed to jazz in the right environment they usually respond very well to it.
I hope this is the first of many sponsored events by Jacob's International Music School.
Although our primary focus is to offer quality music lessons in English it is another top priority of mine to expose children to live acoustic music.
Please stay tuned for more events coming up in the near future.