
Seijo Hall with Dennis Frehse

先週の土曜日の夜に成城学園前にある美しい成城ハールで『Dennis Frehse(ドラム)』と『Patrick Glynn(ベース)』とコンサートをやりました。コンサートの題名は『Europe meets America in Seijo』でした。デニスはドイツ人で、パットと僕はアメリカ人で、東京に会ってバンドを組みました。数ヶ月前に録音したデニスの新しいCDの発売記念ライブみたいな感じでした。デニスとパットが来年にリリースする僕の新しいCDにも参加してくれました。私たちと200人以上来てくれたお客さんの皆さんが楽しんでいたそうでした。本当に最高のコンサートでした!

This past Saturday evening I played at a beautiful hall in Tokyo with drummer Dennis Frehse and bassist Patrick Glynn. This title of the show was called "Europe meets America in Seijo" Dennis is from Germany and both Pat and I are from the states and we met here in Tokyo. This was more or less a CD release concert for Dennis's new CD which we recorded several months ago. Dennis and Pat also play on my new CD which will be out on January 30th, 2013. All of the 200 plus people who showed up seemed to really enjoy the show as did the 3 of us. It was a fantastic night!

I got some flowers from one of my students.


Gig with fretless phenom Ryoji Orihara

昨日の夜凄く素晴らしいフレットレスベース奏者『織原良次』と新橋にある大好きなレストラン『OWL』でライブをやりました。織原さんと何回か色々なバンドで演奏したことがあったのですが、ディオで演奏するのは初めてでした。織原さんの創造力に本当に感動しました。相次いで素晴らしいアイディアを思いついて、僕にとってアドリブをしやすかったです。また近い将来にディオのライブが出来れば良いなと思います。またはドラマとトリオのライブも凄く良いかも。 I played a really fun gig with an amazing fretless bassist, Ryoji Orihara, last niht at one of my favorite restaurants in Tokyo called Owl. I've played with him severa times in different bands but last night was the first time that we played duo together and he really blew me away with his creativity. He gave me so many ideas to work with which made it so easy for me to improvise. I hope we can do another duo gig or maybe next time add a drummer and play as a trio.


Making of Cinematic Piano Paradise 2 - Part 3 / Miyuki Hatakeyama

昨日は畠山美由紀の品川教会でのライブでした!ピアニストとして参加させて頂く事ができて、とても楽しかったです。実は、今週畠山さんとレコーディングをしました。彼女は僕の日本にいる大好きな歌手の中の一人で、僕の次のCDにゲストで1曲歌うことになりました。前のCDにもゲストで1曲『Smile』を歌って頂きました。今回畠山さんのためにBurt Bacharachの『Close to You』をアレンジしました。彼女の演奏は最高でした!この素晴らしい歌手とレコーディングが出来て本当に嬉しいです。

畠山さんのひとつ前のCD「わが美しき故郷よ」では、What a wonderful worldとOver the Rainbowで僕が参加しています。

This week I got to record with Miyuki Hatakeyama. She is one of my favorite singers in Japan and she is going to be a guest on my upcoming CD. She was a guest on my previous CD when she sang "Smile." This time I arranged the Burt Bacharach classic "Close to You" for her to sing and she really sounded great. I am very lucky to be able to work with such a great singer like her.


Making of Cinematic Piano Paradise 2 - Part 2 / Back to Back with Double JK

最近頑張って録音している僕の新しいCD「Cinematic Piano Paradise 2」の録音の様子を紹介していきたいと思います。新しいCDは2013年1月30日に発売予定です!

2日連続僕の大好きな歌手『樹里からん』と音楽活動をしました。昨日の夜に『Cafe Canon』で満席状態でライブをややりました。自分たちの作ったオリジナルや樹里さんの新しいCDに入っている曲等演奏しました。そして、今日の昼に僕の次のCDに入る2曲を録音しました。一曲目は『Michael Jackson』のバーションで有名になった「Ben』でした。2曲目は僕と樹里の作った『Forming Crystal』というオリジナルでした。僕が音楽を書いて、樹里は日本語の歌詞をつけました。彼女の正確さや創造力に本当に感動しました。レコーディングが終わった後に樹里とちょっとふざけていました。

I got a chance to work 2 days in a row with one of my favorite singers Julee Karan. Last night we played to another packed house at Cafe Canon. We did some original music as well as some songs off her brand new CD. And today we spent all afternoon recording 2 tracks that will be on my new CD. One was an arrangement I did of the song that Michael Jackson made famous called "Ben." The other track was an original of mine that Julee put words too called "Forming Crystal." She really amazed me in the studio today with her precision and creativity.


Julee Karan's New CD "Rendezvous"

最近、レーベルメイトである樹里からんの新しいCD「RENDEZ-VOUS」のためにアレンジと演奏をしました。 僕が参加したのは「Raspberry Dream」と「サイレントイヴ」です。 彼女がRasberry Dreamのようなロックっぽい曲を歌っているのを聞いた事がなかったのですが、 すごく樹里の声に合っていました!すごく良いので聞いてみて下さい。

10/31にオーマガトキから発売されたコンピレーションアルバム「Jazzy Cafe ~sweet time」に僕の参加曲が多数収録されているので、こちらもチェックしてみて下さい。

Recently my label mate and collaborator Julee Karan released her new CD called "RENDEZ-VOUS." I got to arrange, play piano and translate lyrics from Japanese to English on 2 of the songs. This was my first time to translate lyrics and was a very fun and interesting challenge. The CD sounds really great and I highly recommend it.


Tokyo Club with Yu Manabe

一昨日目黒にある『東京倶楽部』で『真部裕』と凄く楽しいライブをやりました。共演するのは4回目でディオで共演するのは2回目でした。日曜日の夜そして悪い天気にも関わらず30人ぐらいが集まってくれて、皆さんが楽しんでいたそうでした。現在レコーディングしている次のCDに入るの新しいアレンジをたくさんやりました。ところで次のCDの発売日は1月30日です。次のディオライブを楽しみにして下さい。 水島武人の写真をエンジョイして下さい。

This past Sunday I played another great show with Yu Manabe on violin at Tokyo Club in Meguro. This was a 4th show together and 2nd as a duo. In spite of really bad weather and playing on a Sunday night we had a really nice crowd show up and everyone really seemed to enjoy the music. We played a lot of new arrangements that we are currently recording for my next CD which will be available on January 30th of next year. Stay tuned for the next duo show and I promise you will enjoy it. Enjoy some great pictures that my friend Taketo Mizushima took.


Making of Cinematic Piano Paradise 2 - Part1

新しいアルバムのレコーディング初日が終了しました!新しいベーシストPat GlynnとドラマーDennis Frehseを迎え、前回に引き続きバイオリンは真部裕さんにお願いしました。すごく楽しいセッションでした!2日目も楽しみです。 The first day of recording of my next CD is over. It turned into a very good session with Pat Glynn on bass, Dennis Frehse on drums and Yu Manabe on Violin. Also, Karen Aoki came and sang a song. I will be working on this CD over the next 2 weeks and it will be released on January 30th, 2013.


Asagaya Jazz Festival

金曜日の夜に『阿佐ヶ谷ジャズストリート』で出演しました。このジャズフェスティバルでの初演奏で、凄く楽しいライブでした。素晴らしいバイオリニスト『Paul Lazar』と2人で演奏しました。『Libertango』をソロでよく弾くのですが、Paulとこの曲を演奏するのはいつもと全然違う経験でした。Paulが曲の最後にテンションをますます上げて、僕のいつもの弾き方と違うふうに弾かされました。こういう音楽的な瞬間は僕の生き甲斐です! I played this past Friday at the Asagaya Jazz Street Festival. This was my first time to perform at this festival and it was a lot of fun. I got to play with a fantastic violinist named Paul Lazar. I have gotten used to playing Libertango by myself but playing this song with Paul was a whole new Experience. He kept pushing the intensity at the end of this song which made me push myself to new places. These are the musical moments I live for.


Live in Tachikawa

今日の昼に立川の新星堂でインストアライブをやりました。新しいCDに入る曲と普段弾いている『New Cinema Paradise』や『Libertango』等の曲を演奏しました。最近次のCDの為にアレンジしたり練習したりしているので、ブログを頻繁にアップしていません。次のCDは去年出した『Cinematic Piano Paradise』の続きです。映画の音楽はあまりにも楽しくて一枚だけは物足りないと思います。レコーディングは来月なのですが、リリースは来年の1月か2月になります。Norikobuが撮ってくれた写真を見て下さい。

I played an in-store event this afternoon at the Shinseido in Tachikawa. I got a chance to play some of the new arrangements for the new CD as well as some of the classics like "New Cinema Paradise" and "Libertango." I haven't been updating the blog frequently because I've been busy working on my next CD. I am following up my previous CD with another album of movie music. I will be recording it in November and it will be available in January or February of next year. Check out some pictures taken by Norikobu.


Super Trio at La Donna

昨日の夜『溝口肇』と『真部裕』と二度目に特別なコンサートをやりました。原宿にある『ラドンナ』というライブハウスでセイジョーのお客さんの為のプラベットディナーパーティーでした。来年の一月にリリースする新しいCDの為に最近作ったアレンジをたくさんやりました。リハーサルはとても短かったのに、溝口さんと真部さんの演奏は最高でした。素晴らしいミュージシャンと演奏出来て本当に感謝しています!! I played a special concert last night for the second time with Hajime Mizoguchi on cello and Yu Manabe on violin. This was a private dinner concert for customers of Seijo Pharmacy at La Donna in Harajuku. I got to play a bunch of new arrangements that I have recently been working on for my new CD which will be out early next year. Although we barely had any rehearsal they both played my arrangements exceptionally. It is really a pleasure to work with such talented musicians!


Recording Session with Akari Miura

昨日『三浦明利』という歌手の為にアレンジした曲をレコーディングしました。招待面だったのですが、2人ともオマガトキでCDを出しています。ピアノ、チェロ、バイオリンの編成のアレンジで、うまく行ったと思います。弦楽器の為にアレンジする機会が少ないのですが、音が凄く好きで、頻繁にやって行きたいなと思います。三浦さんの声はとても美しくて、一緒にレコーディングが出来て嬉しかったです。いつか録音した曲を生で演奏出来れば良いなと思います! Yesterday I did a recording session of a song I arranged for a Japanese singer named Akari Miura. It was my first time meeting her but we happen to be on the same record label Omagatoki. It was an arrangement for piano, cello and violin and I think it came out really well. I don't get the opportunity too often to arrange music for strings but I wish I could do it all the time. The sound of violin and cello together is so beautiful to me. Akari has a very beautiful voice and it was a lot of fun to work on this song with her. I hope someday we get a chance to perform it live.


Naru with Karen Aoki

『Naru』は東京にある古くて有名なジャズクラブの1つであって、昨日僕が初めてそこで演奏しました。Naruは44年間ライブをやっていて、親しくて素敵な雰囲気があります。ピアノの椅子が動かせないほど熱いお客さんがぎゅうぎゅう詰めでした。 5ヶ月ぶり『青木カレン』と共演出来て、石川周之介という素晴らしいサックスの奏者も参加しました。バンドのケミストリが凄く良くて、長い3ステージのライブは楽しくてああという間に終わりました。この素晴らしいメンバーともっとライブを演奏して行きたいです!今回のライブに行けなかったら、是非次ぎのライブに遊びに来て下さい。 Naru is one of the most famous and oldest jazz clubs in Tokyo and tonight was my first chance to play there. The club itself has been going strong for 44 years and it has a great intimate atmosphere. Barely enough room to move my piano bench out all the way because the piano is surrounded by enthusiastic customers. It was the first time since April since I played with Karen Aoki and this time we also played with a great saxophonist Shu Ishikawa. The three of us had a great chemistry which made our show fly by and left the crowd wanting more. I hope I get to do a lot more shows with this trio and if you didn't make this show make sure you don't miss the next one.


Gig with Tomoko Ohchi at Cafe Canon

先週の日曜日に『Cafe Canon』で素晴らしいジャズボーカリスト『大地智子』と一年ぶりにライブをやりました。去年の八月に一緒にCDを作って、来年に『Omagatoki』にリリースする予定です。そのCDを作った直後赤ちゃんが生まれて、先週までにライブを全然やっていませんでした。少しさびがついたのではないかなと思ったのですが、却って歌は最高でした。CDのリリースを本当に楽しみにしています。来月のCafe Canonのライブのゲストは『樹里からん』です。是非遊びに来て下さい!

I played for the 1st time in over a year with a great jazz singer named Tomoko Ohchi the past weekend at Cafe Canon. Last August we recorded a CD together which will be released sometime next year. She had a baby right after recording our CD and since then she hasn't been playing shows until this past weekend. I thought maybe she would be a little rusty since she hasn't been doing any shows over the past year but she sounded as good as ever. I am really looking forward to the release of the CD that we worked on. Next month's show at Cafe Canon will feature Julee Karan. Please come and check it out!


Fukuoka Trip

Very rare Yamaha Grand Piano
Julee Karan
Quiet moments with the band.

Killer crowd!


I played 2 really fun shows the past weekend in Fukuoka which is my favorite big city in Japan.
The first show was at Nikko Hotel with Julee Karan. The lounge had a great atmosphere like you are on an old yacht from England. The piano at this place is a very rare Yamaha Grand Piano. In fact there are only 3 in the world. The owner of Yamaha has one and there is one at a Music Museum and Europe. It definitely had a very rich sound and was a real treat to play especially with a great singer like Julee.
The second show was an outdoor festival near the beach on the outskirts of Fukuoka with another great singer Miyuki Hatakeyama. This was a very memorable performance for many reasons. The entire stage was lit up with candles and many people in the audience were also holding candles. The crowd was so into it that it made performing so easy. It felt like they were open to anything that we gave them. It was a short but very memorable trip to Fukuoka.


Sumida Jazz Festival

昨日の昼に3年連続『Sumida Jazz Festival』に出演しました。2時に『高澤綾』クインテットと共演して、4時からピアノソロで演奏しました。錦糸町の付近ではたくさんのジャズミュージシャンが演奏していました。僕の演奏の両方は東武ホテルレバントに行われました。また来年4年目に同じフェスティバルに出演出来れば嬉しいなと思います。

I played yesterday afternoon for the 3rd straight year at Sumida Jazz Festival. At 2 o clock I played with Aya Takazawa's Quintet and at 4pm I did my own solo show. There are dozens of venues that have jazz all around Kinshicho Station in Tokyo. Both of my shows happened to be at the same venue in a nice hotel lobby. I hope next year to make it 4 years in a row at the same festival.

With Aya Takazawa

Playing solo

Lighting fireworks after the show


Piano X 2

日本に来て初めて昨日の夜ディオピアノコンサートをやりました。いうまでもなくのですが、ピアニストに会う機会があまりないので、ピアニスト同士で共演したり色々話したリすることが出来て本当に楽しかったです。他のピアニストの名は『森丘ヒロキ』でした。素晴らしいピアニストでした。お互いのエネルギをもらって良い演奏が出来て、お客さんも興奮してくれました。日本に来る前にアリゾナの友達であり、ジャズピアニストでもある『Andy Margolis』と数回ディオをのコンサートをやりました。そのコンサートはどんなに楽しかったか昨日の夜に思い出しました。

For the first time since coming to Japan I got the chance to play a duo piano gig. For obvious reasons I have met very few pianists since coming to Japan so it was nice to play and hang out with a fellow jazz pianist. His name was Hiroki Morioka and he sounded fantastic! We had a lot fun feeding off each other and the crowd also seemed to be really into it. Before moving to Japan I had the chance to do several duo piano shows with a friend of mine from Phoenix, Andy Margolis. This show last night made me remember how much fun those shows we did were. 

From the show last night!
Duo piano show from 2006.


Tohoku Tour Day 2

昨日、宮城県気仙沼でライブを2回やりました。最初に『Light Up日本』というフェスティバルに出演しました。その後『Vangaurd』という古いジャズ喫茶店で演奏しました。お店の看板が被害を受けて、周りに津波に流されたビルもあったのですが、どうにかこのビルはまだ残っていました。町の中でビルのほとんどが流された区域がたくさんありました。残っているビルはずっと使えない状態です。

We played 2 shows yesterday in Kesennuma. The first show was at a music festival called Light Up Japan. The second show was at an old jazz café called Vangaurd. Although the main sign was damaged by the tsunami the building somehow survived although most of the buildings nearby are completely gone. This town was one of the hardest hit towns by the tsunami last year. There are large sections of the town where nearly all the buildings were completely washed out into the ocean. The few that remain are uninhabitable.
The people at the show were so excited for the show that it made it a very memorable performance. Miyuki Hatakeyama is from Kesennuma and some of her songs are about her hometown and also about the tsunami which made it a very emotional performance for the audience and for the musicians. I felt very lucky to be there and hope I get a chance to perform there again in the near future. I met some great people and got a chance to hear first hand some of the hardships that people went through and are continuously going through. Our taxi driver was once an entrepreneur but his business was destroyed by the earthquake and he had to become a taxi driver to support his family. He was also a very serious guitar player but his very special guitar was destroyed by the tsunami and he has no time to play anymore because he works very long hours driving his taxi. I hope he gets a chance to play again in the future.
I am so grateful that I got the chance to go on this tour and meet so many interesting people. I hope I get a chance to do more performances in this part of Japan.

The band and the people who put on the show!


Tohoku Tour Day 1 with Miyuki Hatakeyama


This is my first time to go to the north east part of Japan. I am playing piano for a really great singer named Miyuki Hatakeyama. First thing we did when we arrive was to take some really goofy pictures. The show we played last night went really well. I played on an immaculately kept 9 foot steinway. The crowd was really into the music and we signed CD's for about 30 minutes after the show. Today we have an afternoon show and an evening show.

Hard work.



The Early Bird Cafe With Yu Manabe


This was only our second time playing together but it seems we have a lot of people who can't wait for the next time including myself. Playing duo with Yu Manabe is so much fun and his energy makes me play in a different way. We played 1 long set to a packed house of about 50 people. It was a nice mix of Yu's and my fans as well as quite of few of my students. It was a really great Sunday afternoon concert and everyone seemed to have a great time. I am working right now to book the next show with Yu so stay tuned. 




I played this past weekend at a really cool jazz club in Yokohama called Junk. Since coming to Japan I haven't had that much chance to play piano trio gigs so it was really refreshing to get a chance to play trio. Yoshifumi Nihonmatsu was on drums and Hiroyuki Yamamoto was on bass. They both sounded great! It wasn't completely packed but it was pretty close and the crowd was really into the music. I had some very "interesting" conversations with some of the customers who had quite a few drinks. Can't wait to play there again!