先週の日曜日に『Cafe Canon』で素晴らしいジャズボーカリスト『大地智子』と一年ぶりにライブをやりました。去年の八月に一緒にCDを作って、来年に『Omagatoki』にリリースする予定です。そのCDを作った直後赤ちゃんが生まれて、先週までにライブを全然やっていませんでした。少しさびがついたのではないかなと思ったのですが、却って歌は最高でした。CDのリリースを本当に楽しみにしています。来月のCafe Canonのライブのゲストは『樹里からん』です。是非遊びに来て下さい!
I played for the 1st time in over a year with a great jazz singer named Tomoko Ohchi the past weekend at Cafe Canon. Last August we recorded a CD together which will be released sometime next year. She had a baby right after recording our CD and since then she hasn't been playing shows until this past weekend. I thought maybe she would be a little rusty since she hasn't been doing any shows over the past year but she sounded as good as ever. I am really looking forward to the release of the CD that we worked on. Next month's show at Cafe Canon will feature Julee Karan. Please come and check it out!
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