
A Hill of the Sun


先週の金曜日の夜に友達であり、コラボレーターでもある作曲家兼ギターリスト『田中裕一』とライブをやりました。ほぼ1年前に田中さんが僕をピアニストに新しいバンドを組んで、昨年の12月に田中さんのオリジナル曲を収録して、来月『AHill of the Sun』というCDがリリースすることになりました。レベールは『What’s New Records』と言います。
ちょうど2年前に日本で活動しているジャズミュージシャンをほとんど誰も知らず、日本に引っ越してきました。 東京のジャズシーンに入りたかったのですが、誰も知らなかったので、どうすれば良いか悩んでいました。ジャズミュージシャンと会いたいなら、世界中の一番良い方法はジャムセッションに行くことです。東京周辺ではジャムセッションがたくさんありますので、最初にどこのジャムセッションに行けば良いか決めかねました。オンラインでジャムセッションのホストのmp3等をたくさん聞いて、田中さんのホームページを見つけて、本当に面白い音だなと思って、最初に田中さんのジャムセッションに行くことにしました。新しい国や新しい文化だけではなく僕の第二言語で初めてミュージシャンと会うのを大変緊張していました。ローカルのジャズミュージシャン達が僕のことを歓迎してくれるかどうか心配していました。この場所にいる人が見ず知らずのアメリカ人のジャズピアニストが来ると思わなかったみたいだったのですが、歓迎して、僕がジャムセッションに来て喜んでくれました。バンドと2−3曲を弾いて、休憩の時に田中さんやベーシスト多田和弘と色々しゃべりました。 2人とも 他のライブに誘って、たくさんのミュージシャンに紹介して、本当に僕の世話をしてくれました。このジャムセッションをきっかけに、僕のミュージシャンの知り合いの輪が大きく広がりました。
CDと同じメンバーで東中野にある『Thelonius』という小さい居心地の良いジャズクラブで演奏しました。ほぼ満席の状態でお客さんが本当に興奮してくれました。写真家の友達、水島さん、も来て、素敵な写真をたくさん撮ってくれました。 後でブログに載せます。も1人がビデオを撮って、YouTubeにアップロードしてくれました。これもCheck it outして下さい。

I played this past Friday night with one of my really good friends and collaborator, guitarist and composer, Yuichi Tanaka. About a year ago Yuichi started a regular quartet with me on piano. Last December we recorded a new CD called “AHill of the Sun” that will be released next month on a label called What’s New Records.

Before I get to the gig let me tell you about how I know Yuichi.

I came to Japan exactly 2 years ago and when I came I didn’t know anyone in the jazz scene in Tokyo. So I did a lot of research online. There are a lot of jam sessions happening in Tokyo so I figured this would be a good way to get started. I listened to the music of many different musicians who were hosting jam sessions and when I came across Yuichi’s site I checked out his mp3’s online and knew this was where I should start. I went to the session that he was hosting and was really nervous because this was my first time trying to meet musicians in a completely new country, in a new language and a new culture. I had no idea if I would be welcomed by the local musicians or not. I think the people at the place were a little surprised that some random American jazz pianist dropped in on their jam session but they made me feel so welcome and were really happy that I came. I played a few tunes with the band and talked with Yuichi and the bassist Kazuhiro Tada and told them I just moved here and that I was trying to meet some jazz musicians. Yuichi and Kazuhiro both invited me to their other gigs and introduced me to many musicians which really helped me find my way into the music scene here in Japan. In fact I can trace almost every musician I know now in Japan back to this one jam session.  

Getting back to the Gig...

We played with the same members from the recording in a place called “Thelonius” in a part of Tokyo called Nakano. It is a small yet cozy jazz club and we had a nice enthusiastic audience. My friend Taketo, who is a great photographer, dropped by and took some really cool shots of us as well. I will post them later. There was also someone else shooting a video that was later uploaded to Youtube. Check it out!!!


Ogikubo Music Festival


60人の前でソロで一つの40分のステージをやりました。ショパンの3曲やChick Coreaの曲やジャズ風にアレンジした『銀河鉄道999』を届きしました。アンコールのために最近作った『Over the Rainbow』のアレンジを届きしました。このアレンジは10月に出る僕の次のCDに入ります。砂田社長と社長の奥さんを含んで、来てくれたお客さんのうちの半分ぐらいは知っている人でした。お客さんがすごく良い反応をしてくれました。荻窪音楽祭が春と秋1年に2回行われています。今年の秋にまた出演出来れば、本当に嬉しいです!!!


Yesterday, I had the privilege of performing for the 2nd time at the Ogikubo Music Festival. The venue of the performance was on the 1st floor of the Shinseido building in Ogikubo which is an older area of Tokyo. In case you don't know, Shinseido is the name of a CD/Instrument chain store here in Japan. They are also the owner of my record label here in Japan called Omagatoki
Several times a year I get an opportunity to perform for some kind of special event at the main office of Shinseido and I am always greeted with an overwhelming welcome. I feel like a star whenever I walk in the building. There are probably around 100 people that work in the main office and it is clearly evident that it is more like a big family than a big company. I am very grateful to have the support of such a wonderful company. 
Getting back to the festival....
I played 1 40 minute set of music for about 40 people. I mixed a few of my Chopin arrangements with an original, a Chick Corea piece and a jazz arrangement I made of a classic Japanese anime theme song called Ginga Tetsudo 999. For an encore I previewed a new arrangement I recently started working on of Over the Rainbow. This will be on my next CD which will be released in October. I recognized about half the people at the show including the president of Shinseido and Omagatoki, Mr. Sunada along with his wife. The response from the audience was great. This festival is held twice a year, once in the spring and once in the fall. I really hope they invite me back this fall!!!


American in Kurashiki

日本で日本人のお客さんに自分のユーモアを伝えるのがなかなか難しいのですが、昨日のライブでお客さんが2回爆笑してくれました。まだかすかな望みがありそうです。演奏中に『ライブ楽しいですか?』と樹里さんに聞かれた時『ボッケー楽しい』と返事しました。ほとんどのお客さんは、僕が日本語が話せるどころか、最初に言い出すのが岡山弁だということを期待してなかったので、驚いて爆笑しました。2回目はスティングの有名な『English Man in New York』という曲を演奏する直前でした。ライブの前に冗談でこの曲のメロディーを歌ってみましたが、歌詞を『English Man in New York』から『American in Kurashiki』に変えました。僕のバージョンを歌って下さいと樹里さんに言われた時、さびを歌って、皆さんが2回目の爆笑をしてくれました。Yeah! 日本で僕のユーモアが伝わる望みがまだあるかも知れません。あるいは、倉敷の人々だけが僕のユーモアを理解してくれたのかもしれません。


One month ago I had no idea that there was a town in Japan called Kurashiki. Today I would have to say it has become one of my favorite places. Yesterday, I hopped on the Bullet Train to go to Kurashiki, in the western part of Honshu, to perform with my label mate and good friend Julee Karan. Julee is a fantastic japanese jazz/pop vocalist whom I met nearly 2 years ago. This year we have started working together and I am really excited that she is going to be a guest on my next CD. We performed for the 26th anniversary of a small, quaint and friendly local bar called Tsugu. This bar is the epitome of a Japanese “Cheers.” All the customers know each other and they all helped out to put on this special event. One guy rented the sound system. One guy made the fliers. One guy sold the tickets etc… We played 2 sets that were for 2 different sets of audiences although there were a few die-hard fans that paid to see both sets. I could feel the excitement and anticipation from the crowd and I think both Julee and I fed off this energy and had a really inspiring concert. The crowd was so into it that after the second set they demanded that we do 2 encores.
I have struggled in Japan to make my sense of humor connect with Japanese audiences but yesterday I received 2 roaring laughs from the crowd, which gives me a glimmer of hope. The first time Julee asked me if I was having fun and I replied “bokke tanoshii.” This is the way to say I’m having fun using the local dialect of the area. I don’t think most people expected me to be able to speak much Japanese so when the first thing I said was something in their own dialect they found it hilarious. The 2nd roaring laugh came right before we performed the famous song by Sting called “Englishman in New York.” Before the gig jokingly I started to sing the melody of the song but changed the lyrics to “an American in Kurashiki.” Julee asked me to sing it in front of the crowd, which I did, and they found it hilarious. Maybe there is still hope for my sense of humor in Japan. Or maybe it’s only the people in Kurashiki who get it.
After the gig the bar threw a very fancy party for us with amazing food and drinks at the hotel we stayed at. They treated us like royalty and I am so grateful for their amazing hospitality. This morning we took a walk around the town and it is very beautiful and serene. There is a fairly large section of the town where all the buildings, streets, sidewalks and temples are preserved in the original old-style of Japan. It reminded me of parts of Kyoto but without the massive amount of tourists. Overall, what an awesome trip!
I can’t wait to go back!