I played an in-store event this afternoon at the Shinseido in Tachikawa. I got a chance to play some of the new arrangements for the new CD as well as some of the classics like "New Cinema Paradise" and "Libertango." I haven't been updating the blog frequently because I've been busy working on my next CD. I am following up my previous CD with another album of movie music. I will be recording it in November and it will be available in January or February of next year. Check out some pictures taken by Norikobu.
返信削除追伸 今日演奏していただいたニューシネマパラダイスを聞いている時には胸がジーンとしました。
Hideaki san,
返信削除今日は忙しい中僕の演奏を聞いてくれてありがとうございました!家族皆さんが好きになってくれたのは本当に嬉しいです。レコーディング頑張ります!また立川に来れる日を楽しみにしています。Thanks for your support! Jacob