帰りの飛行機の中でエントリーを書いています。パリで乗り換えて、東京在住の友達「Thomas」に偶然出くわした。同じ飛行機に乗っています。超偶然じゃない?短い旅だったのですが、一生忘れられない経験でした。面白い音楽をやって、めちゃ美味しい食事を食べ過ぎちゃって、ナポリに恋しました。ナポリに行ってすぐナポリの人々の溢れている自身を気がついたのです。最初にコーヒー屋に行って、隣の店の店員さんが外人とどうしても喋りたいので、仕事から休憩を取って、うちらのテーブルに会いに来ました。英語が全く出来なくてもおびえず自身満々にうちらと頑張って会話しようとしました。会話の内容はあまり覚えていないのですが、彼の自身に本当に羨ましかったです。ナポリ人はナポ リの料理や文化にとても誇りに思っているのですが、同時に外国人を温かくもてなしてくれます。イタリア語で5つの単語しか言えないのですが、家族のように優しくしてもらいました。ナポリに凄く感謝しています。お世話してくれた「davide」にも感謝しています。めちゃ格好イイ「The Mantra」というバンドのベーシスト/キーボーディストです。『ブレーンキラー』と同じ『Rare Noise Records』というレベルでcdを出しています。全面的に一生忘れられない旅だった‼ English Version: I am writing this entry on the flight back to Tokyo. In Paris where I transferred I ran into my friend thomas from Tokyo and we are on the same flight back. What are the odds? It was a short trip to Italy but an unforgettable experience. Played some great music, ate way too much good food and fell in love with naples. I noticed right away that the people of naples had an overwhelming confidence but was amazed that it didn't in anyway translate into arrogance. Right after we arrived in naples we went to a coffee shop and a guy working in the shop next door took a break so he could chat with the foreigners. He hardly spoke a word of english but he had absolutely no fear to try. I dont clearly remember nor understood what we talked about but i was impressed with his fearless confidence. People from naples are very proud of their food and culture and at the same time extremely welcoming. Although i only know about 5 words of italian they made me feel at home. I am very appreciative of Naples and davide who took great care of us! He is the bassist and keyboardist in a really cool rock band called The Mantra. They are on the same label as brainkiller called Rare Noise Records. All in all an unforgettable trip to italy! |
Few Last Words About My Trip to Italy
昨日の夜ジェノバイタリアにある『Gezmataz Jazz Festival』で僕ら『ブレーンキラー』が凄く良い演奏をしていました!お客さんが盛り上がってくれたしCDが売れ切れになりました。最高のイタリアの初公演でした!今日は飛行機でナポリに行って、始めてモッツレーラチーズを食べました。今までに食べたのは偽物だと分かりました!
We (Brainkiller) played an amazing show last night at Gezmataz Jazz Festival in Genoa, Italy. We had a very enthusiastic crowd and we sold out of CD’s. What a great way to kick things off in Italy. Today in Naples I had mozzarella cheese for the first time. What I've had up until now no longer qualifies.
Off to Italy
I’m off to Italy today to go play at a jazz festival with my band Brainkiller. Brainkiller is a 3 piece (trombone, keys and drums) jazz, rock, experimental etc. unit. We are not only a band but we are each characters in our own animation story. I happen to be otaku. Check out this link which is an introduction to our story. I will be updating while Im in Italy so stay tuned.
Misa Sugiyama
昨日の朝から今日の夜まで『一口坂』というもの凄くファンシーなスタジオに引き込まれて、素敵なボーカリストであり作曲家でもある『杉山未紗』のプロジェクトの為にピアノを弾いていました。友達でありプロデューサーでもある『島裕介』に楽しいセッションに参加させてもらいました。今年の秋に『Pony Canyon』からリリースする予定です。お楽しみにしてね!
English Version
These past two days I have been locked in this insanely fancy recording studio called Hitokuchi-Zaka playing piano for a very talented vocalist and song writer Misa Sugiyama. My good friend and collaborator Yusuke Shima was the producer and invited me to join in on the fun. Look for her record to come out this fall on Pony Canyon Records.
English Version
These past two days I have been locked in this insanely fancy recording studio called Hitokuchi-Zaka playing piano for a very talented vocalist and song writer Misa Sugiyama. My good friend and collaborator Yusuke Shima was the producer and invited me to join in on the fun. Look for her record to come out this fall on Pony Canyon Records.
投稿 (Atom)