満席状態になるライブはミュージシャンには最高の気持ちです。満席は英語でいうと『Packed house』です。土曜日に『Cafe Canon』で樹里からんとライブをやった時は正にpacked houseでした。実は席がなかったので、入れなかったお客さんも数人いました。音楽は凄く楽しくて、お客さんの反応も凄く良かったです。反応がそんなに良かったので、来て頂けなかったお客さんのために樹里さんとCafe Canonで4月8日に18時からまた演奏します。このライブで最近一緒に作った曲を演奏しますので、是非遊びに来てね!
There's no better feeling than having a packed house at a gig. Well that's what we had on Saturday night when I played at Cafe Canon with Julee Karan. In fact they had to turn people away because there were no more seats available. The music was great and the audience was awesome. Because we had such a good response I am going to play at Cafe Canon again with Julee Karan on Sunday, April 8th at 6pm. We will be playing a new song or 2 that we wrote together so come down and partake in the fun!
El Corazon
金曜日の夜に島裕介と杉山未紗と千葉県にある『El Corazon』というイタリアレストランで凄く楽しいライブをやりました。ミュージシャンには(お金以外(笑)ライブの一番大切なことはお店からの親切な扱いや鑑賞力のある観客です。El Corazonのスタフ達の扱いは最高でした。食べきれないほど凄く美味しいイタリア料理を出してくれました。そしてお客さんが最初から最後までずっと真剣に聞いてくれました。完璧なライブでした!
Friday night I played a really fun gig with Yusuke Shima and Misa Sugiyama out in Chiba Prefecture at a really cool Italian restaurant called El Corazon. The 2 most important things to a fun gig(besides money) is getting good treatment from the staff and having an attentive appreciative audience. We had amazing service from the staff. They fed us more amazing food than we can handle. And we had a very attentive appreciative audience. A perfect gig!
食べてみたいでしょう?You want to try it don't you?
The band in action. 演奏中のバンドです。
Friday night I played a really fun gig with Yusuke Shima and Misa Sugiyama out in Chiba Prefecture at a really cool Italian restaurant called El Corazon. The 2 most important things to a fun gig(besides money) is getting good treatment from the staff and having an attentive appreciative audience. We had amazing service from the staff. They fed us more amazing food than we can handle. And we had a very attentive appreciative audience. A perfect gig!
The Band.
食べてみたいでしょう?You want to try it don't you?
The band in action. 演奏中のバンドです。
I played a really fun solo gig last week at Owl and my friend Taketo took a lot of really cool pictures that I wanted to share.
A little meditation before I play.
A great attentive audience.
Playing the owner's favorite song "Misty."
Such a tough job.
The best staff in the world!!!
A little meditation before I play.
A great attentive audience.
Playing the owner's favorite song "Misty."
Such a tough job.
The best staff in the world!!!
Cinematic Piano Paradise Live II
今までに『Cinematic Piano Paradise』の評論や売り上げがうまく進んでいます。結果として、
『Cinematic Piano Paradise』ライブをも一本やることになりました。しかし今回のライブは前回と違って、CDや私のアコースティックの側面をフィーチャーしようと思っているので、『溝口肇』や『真部裕』と公演します。ご存知の方は多いと思いますが、溝口さんは非常に素晴らしいチェロ演奏家です。2010年に軽井沢の大賀ホールで初めて一緒にプレーしました。そして新しいCDに『New Cinema Paradise』を弾いて頂きました。ライブでこの曲を生で初めて一緒に演奏します。そして『真部裕』という素晴らしいバイオリン奏者も参加します。真部さんも自分のストリングカルテットと僕の新しいCDに参加して頂きました。
『Cinematic Piano Paradise』ライブをも一本やることになりました。しかし今回のライブは前回と違って、CDや私のアコースティックの側面をフィーチャーしようと思っているので、『溝口肇』や『真部裕』と公演します。ご存知の方は多いと思いますが、溝口さんは非常に素晴らしいチェロ演奏家です。2010年に軽井沢の大賀ホールで初めて一緒にプレーしました。そして新しいCDに『New Cinema Paradise』を弾いて頂きました。ライブでこの曲を生で初めて一緒に演奏します。そして『真部裕』という素晴らしいバイオリン奏者も参加します。真部さんも自分のストリングカルテットと僕の新しいCDに参加して頂きました。
このプロジェクトはすごく楽しくて、好評であったので、CD『Cinematic Piano Paradise 2』をやろうという話もあります。シリーズになるかも知れません。今回のライブで次のCDに入る可能性がある新しい曲をたくさんやります。特別な音楽の夜になるように約束します。
詳細はこちらになります。★4月26日(木曜)原宿ラドンナにてCinematic Piano Paradise LIVE決定!溝口肇さん(チェロ)と真部裕さん(バイオリン)と共演します!
open: 18:00- start 19:00-
前売り¥4000、当日¥4500 ご予約はこちらから
So far the reviews and sales of Cinematic Piano Paradise have been going very well. As a result, my label Omagatoki has decided to make a 2nd big promotional push. As part of the big push I will be doing another Cinematic Piano Paradise Live Show. However this time will be completely different than the last show. This time I wanted to show off the more acoustic side of the CD and my music so I asked Hajime Mizoguchi and Yu Manabe to play with me. In case you don't know Hajime Mizoguchi is an amazing cellist/composer. I had the chance to play with him 2 years ago in Karuizawa and was very fortunate to have him play "New Cinema Paradise" with me on the new CD. We will definitely be playing this song love for the 1st time. I also invited Yu Manabe who is a brilliant violinist. He also played on my CD with his string quartet.
Because this project was so much fun and has been received so well I am thinking of doing a Cinematic Piano Paradise 2. Possibly making a series of music from films. I will definitely be featuring music from the 1st CD but am planning on featuring a lot of new music that will possibly be released on future recordings. I promise this will be a very special night of music.
Here are the details:
Over the Rainbow
去年樹里からんと共演したライブからのビデオです。樹里の声はこの曲に本当に素敵だと思います。2月25日にセンター南にあるCafe Canonで一緒にディオのライブをやっています。詳細はホームページにありますので、是非チェックしてみて下さい。
This video is from a show I did last year with Julee Karan. I think she sounds really amazing on this song. I am going to be doing a duo show in a couple of weeks with Julee at Cafe Canon in Center Minami.
Check out my website for more details.
I hope you enjoy the new video!
I've been in Japan now almost 3 years but there are still many things about this place that I don't know. This year for the 1st time I participated in a holiday called Setsubun which means seasonal division. It is a very old holiday where you take some roasted soybeans and throw them out your door trying to get rid of bad luck. Then you throw some inside hoping to bring in good luck. Then you eat some of the beans. It seems that most people don't really do this anymore but it was fun to try it and learn about an old holiday here in Japan.
I've been in Japan now almost 3 years but there are still many things about this place that I don't know. This year for the 1st time I participated in a holiday called Setsubun which means seasonal division. It is a very old holiday where you take some roasted soybeans and throw them out your door trying to get rid of bad luck. Then you throw some inside hoping to bring in good luck. Then you eat some of the beans. It seems that most people don't really do this anymore but it was fun to try it and learn about an old holiday here in Japan.
投稿 (Atom)