先週南青山にある居心地の良い『マンダラ』というジャズクラブで僕のトリオや樹里からんと出演しました。友達、家族、メディアや『オーマガトキ』の方々を含めて満席の状態で100人ぐらいがいらっしゃいました。インストルメンタルの部分は10月に出るCD『Cinematic Piano Paradise』からの新しいアレンジ『New Cinema Paradise』『ノルウェーの森』や『スマイル』等をフィーチャーしました。樹里と公演した時に樹里のアレンジや僕の最近作ったアレンジStingの『Shape of My Heart』や『コスモス』等演奏しました。凄く楽しいライブでした!友達『水島武人』が素晴らしい写真を撮ってくれました!
Last week I played a really amazing gig with my trio and Julee Karan at a beautiful jazz club in Tokyo called Mandala. We had a packed house of about 100 people which included friends, family, press and people from both Omagatoki Records which happens to be both mine and Julee's record label. For the instrumental parts I featured some of my new arrangements from the upcoming CD like "New Cinema Paradise," "Norwegian Wood," and "Smile." With Julee we played many of her arrangements plus a couple of songs that I recently arranged for her. Sting's "Shape of My Heart and a Japanese song called "Kosumosu." It was a really fun gig! My friend Taketo Mizushima took these amazing pictures!
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