Asagaya Jazz Festival
金曜日の夜に『阿佐ヶ谷ジャズストリート』で出演しました。このジャズフェスティバルでの初演奏で、凄く楽しいライブでした。素晴らしいバイオリニスト『Paul Lazar』と2人で演奏しました。『Libertango』をソロでよく弾くのですが、Paulとこの曲を演奏するのはいつもと全然違う経験でした。Paulが曲の最後にテンションをますます上げて、僕のいつもの弾き方と違うふうに弾かされました。こういう音楽的な瞬間は僕の生き甲斐です!
I played this past Friday at the Asagaya Jazz Street Festival. This was my first time to perform at this festival and it was a lot of fun. I got to play with a fantastic violinist named Paul Lazar. I have gotten used to playing Libertango by myself but playing this song with Paul was a whole new Experience. He kept pushing the intensity at the end of this song which made me push myself to new places. These are the musical moments I live for.
Live in Tachikawa
今日の昼に立川の新星堂でインストアライブをやりました。新しいCDに入る曲と普段弾いている『New Cinema Paradise』や『Libertango』等の曲を演奏しました。最近次のCDの為にアレンジしたり練習したりしているので、ブログを頻繁にアップしていません。次のCDは去年出した『Cinematic Piano Paradise』の続きです。映画の音楽はあまりにも楽しくて一枚だけは物足りないと思います。レコーディングは来月なのですが、リリースは来年の1月か2月になります。Norikobuが撮ってくれた写真を見て下さい。
I played an in-store event this afternoon at the Shinseido in Tachikawa. I got a chance to play some of the new arrangements for the new CD as well as some of the classics like "New Cinema Paradise" and "Libertango." I haven't been updating the blog frequently because I've been busy working on my next CD. I am following up my previous CD with another album of movie music. I will be recording it in November and it will be available in January or February of next year. Check out some pictures taken by Norikobu.
Super Trio at La Donna
I played a special concert last night for the second time with Hajime Mizoguchi on cello and Yu Manabe on violin. This was a private dinner concert for customers of Seijo Pharmacy at La Donna in Harajuku. I got to play a bunch of new arrangements that I have recently been working on for my new CD which will be out early next year. Although we barely had any rehearsal they both played my arrangements exceptionally. It is really a pleasure to work with such talented musicians!
投稿 (Atom)