昨日『La Donna』というライブハウスで非常に印象的なライブをやりました。お客さんが興奮してくれて素晴らしいゲストミュージシャンの2人と演奏することが出来ました。1ステージ目にソロの4曲を弾いて、それからバイオリンの方『真部裕』と5曲を弾きました。真部さんのストリングカルテットが僕の最新のCDに参加してくれたのですが、生で一緒に演奏するのは初めてでした。彼とアドリブするのが凄く楽しかったです。
ライブに聞いてくれたお客さんにとても感謝しています。I had a very memorable performance last night at La Donna. The crowd was really into the music and I got to play with 2 fantastic guest musicians. The first set I played a few songs solo and then the rest duo with violinist Yu Manabe. He played with his string quartet on my latest CD but it was my first time playing live with him. It was a lot of fun improvising with him.
I started the second set off with a few solo numbers and then I got to play 4 songs duo with cellist Hajime Mizoguchi. He was also a guest on my latest CD and this was my second time to play live with him. It was a totally different vibe than the first set but just as much fun. At the end I invited Yu Manabe back to play as a trio. And as an encore we did one more song as a trio.
I really hope I get a chance to do more shows with these amazing musicians.
Thank you to everyone who was there last night.
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