今月荻窪で新年会がありました。僕が夜にライブがあったので、一時間しかいなかったのですが、レーベルメート『樹里からん』と1曲『Feel Like Making Love』を演奏しました。前共演したことあるも一人のレーベルメート『うめ吉』も1曲演奏しました。最後までいたかったのですが、今年の新年会に行けてよかったです。
It's coming up on 3 years since I made the move to Japan. In these 3 years I have had a chance to do many cool things and I'm really glad I decided to come. Right after I came to Japan I met the president of Shinseido and my relationship with Omagatoki began. In less than 3 years I have released 4 CD'S and Omagatoki has given me so many great opportunities of which I am very grateful.
This month in Tokyo Omagatoki had a New Year's Party. Since I had a gig that night I could only go for 1 hour but I got a chance to play 1 song with my label mate Julee Karan. Another label mate of mine whom I had previously performed with "Umekichi" also sang 1 number. I wish I could have stayed until the end but Im glad I was able to make it for a little bit.