今日は日本に来て3度目の発表会を行いました。今回渋谷にあるジャズクラブでやることにしました。かなりぎゅうぎゅう満席だったのですが、今までに一番良い発表会だと思います。生徒さんの皆がうまく弾けて、スペシャルゲストを呼んで最後に一緒に2曲を演奏しました。ゲストの方は素晴らしいフランス人のバイオリニストPaul Lazarでした。
発表会の写真を見てみて下さい。Today I held my 3rd annual piano recital since coming to Japan. This year I decided to hold it at a jazz club in Shibuya and although there was barely enough room for everyone it turned out to be my best recital yet. Everyone played really well and I invited a special guest who played a couple of songs with me at the end. The guest was a great violinist from France named Paul Lazar.
I want to thank all my students for practicing their pieces really hard.
Enjoy some pictures from the show.